I was walking through my
favorite craft store when I came across these clocks that needed a little facelift. {No offense meant to the clocks}. Luckily, they were half off ($10) for Mother's Day. I went back to the fabric section and bought a "quilter's quarter" of fabric ($3) that appealed to me and took it home.
Here's a secret that they don't want you to know: clock hands come off really ridiculously easily. You literally just pull them straight off. There's a golden (or silver, or black) nob that looks a little like it might screw in but just pull it off. Then, gently (so you don't bend them) but firmly (so they actually come off) pull the hands off. There will be something (mine's white with a gold base) sticking out of the clock now. Use a wrench to unscrew the nut (gold thing that looks a little like a six sided stop sign) and voila! All you have left is the clock face. *Note: if your clock has a cover, you need to pop that off before you do this step. There are three little slits in the back of the clock where the cover holds on; just release them with a screwdriver or other like object.
Putting on the new face is also deceptively simple. If this clock could fit it, I would usually use scrapbooking paper (since there is generally more of a selection) but this was a 14" clock so I'm using fabric. I wanted some fabric that was less Hawaiian and more regal so I only glued it down in the back (in case I wanted to change it later). Since I had craft glue dots on hand, I used those, but any multipurpose glue would work. I stuck down the fabric in the back in about 20 places and then cut the excess fabric off.
When reattaching the hands, I've learned that it's easiest if you put the hands on as if it's 12:00 because they are facing the same number. If you had put both hands on "6" it wouldn't have worked since, at 6:30, the hour hand is halfway between the 6 and 7.
All the clock is missing are numbers, now. I was going to use scrapbooking stickers but I couldn't find the perfect font and color {and I wasn't sure if I liked the fabric}. Another option would be to use fabric paint if you like your handwriting enough {which I don't}.
Here it is!
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